Will Goldstein & Guitar with Bio and Works
The Kings Court first came online publishing Christian music in the year 2000, so it has been 22 years, and a lot has happened over the years. Simply put, “Scripture comes to life in the music of The King’s Court.”
The King’s Court offers Christian music that is based on Bible scripture verse and themes. It is financed, managed and run entirely by songwriter and solo artist Will Goldstein, who recently moved to Hood River, Oregon, and is a multi instrumentalist able to record many of his own parts, as well as feature his vocal and orchestral arrangements. Songs by both Will Goldstein and Jeanne Brickman are featured in the The King’s Court catalog.
Will Goldstein, of The King’s Court, is in a license agreement with Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) for usage of The King’s Court music in church worship services all over the world, and he is a member of ASCAP - publisher - King’s Court Press. The King’s Court music is distributed online via CDBaby to all their partners for streaming, radio and downloads.
The King’s Court catalog at CCLI and ASCAP currently has 1097 songs as of 2022, published online as free downloadable pdf songbooks in 26 volumes on the Download Sheet Music page. However, The King’s Court still has a few hundred songs that are still in progress, and are gradually being organized into books to be released in future volumes and added to the The King’s Court catalog at CCLI and ASCAP (King’s Court Press).
The King’s Court also provides for free a Pastors Tool Kit that includes 3 indexes for all the songs in The King’s Court Catalog: 1) song and volume # index, 2) alphabetical index of all songs providing the song # and volume #, 3) scripture index so that a pastor and worship team leader can easily find a song that fits the current sermon.
Twice annually, CCLI sends out reports of usage worldwide. In the last few years there has been a great increase of usage and reports in churches worldwide. Praise God for the usage.
The current list of countries where the music of The King’s Court has received reports of usage includes: US, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, countries in the Nordic territories, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, South Africa & Brazil.
Please consider buying albums, singles and/or check out streaming at CDBaby or their online partners such as Apple Music/iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube Music, Tidal, And 150+ more, via your music provider searching for The King’s Court under these Album Titles: His Name Is Jesus, Old Testament Bible Heroes, The King Is Here and Hosanna.
As this ministry is almost entirely royalty based, the payout being a low %, please consider donating to The King’s Court through Paypal - payable to sales@thekingscourt.com, however, The King’s Court does not have non-profit status.
Christian songwriting has its blessings, but it is enormously time consuming. I consider writing this music as a free gift of my life to those seeking to promote Christian values in their lives and in the lives of others, a reasonable service for Christ and His blessings in my life.
Published Works: 11 Digital Albums
(listed in order from earliest to most current)
Listen now
His Name Is Jesus, Old Testament Bible Heroes, The King Is Here, Hosanna, Wings, The Lord Is King, Hold On!, House of Worship, All Hail The King, The King's Highway, Jesus Enters Jerusalem from the opera The Third Day
Pdf Songbooks
Volume 1 Christ, Our Savior Songbook - 2000
Volume 2 Old Testament Bible Heroes (Musical Play) - 2008
Volume 3 The King Is Here (Musical Play) - 2008
Volume 4 Deuteronomy Songbook - 2016
Volume 5 The King’s Highway - 2016
Volume 6 The Third Day (An Opera in 7 Acts) - 2017
Volume 7 The Inner Journey “A Cantata of Prayers, Meditations and Exaltations to The God of All Creation.” - 2018
Volume 8 Songs of Our Savior - 2018
Volume 9 Parables - 2018
Volume 10 Christ, Our Healer - 2018
Volume 11 Christ, Our Sanctifier - 2018
Volume 12 The Pure Light of Heaven - 2019
Volume 13 The Good Shepherd - 2019
Volume 14 Mass For the Saints - 2019
Volume 15 Isaiah Songbook - 2019
Volume 16 Be Ready For Christ Our Coming King! Part 1 - 2020
Volume 17 Be Ready For Christ Our Coming King! Part 2 - 2020
Volume 18 Be Ready For Christ Our Coming King! Part 3 - 2020
Volume 19 Shades of Blue Light and Dark Shadows On The Kingdom - 2020
Volume 20 Acts - 2021
Volume 21 Climbing New Heights With Christ - 2021
Volume 22 Romans - 2021
Volume 23 Corinthians - 2021
Volume 24 Epistles In Song Collection 1 - 2021
Volume 25 Epistles In Song Collection 2 - 2021
Volume 26 Epistles In Song Collection 3 - 2022
Volume 27 Ballads of Genesis - 2022
Volume 28 Proverbs 1 - 2023
Volume 29 Proverbs 2 - 2025
Print On Demand Songbooks
(only available for purchase at one Amazon)
Volume 1 Christ, Our Savior Songbook - 2000
2 editions: 1) guiar, keyboard & bass edition
2) piano vocal edition (only available for purchase)
Volume 1A His Name Is Jesus orchestral/vocal score with parts -
first 12 songs from Christ, Our Savior Songbook
(only available for purchase)
Volume 1B Hosanna piano/vocal harmony edition - includes piano score and vocal harmony parts to songs 13-22 of Christ, Our Savior Songbook
(only available for purchase very soon)
Volume 2 Old Testament Bible Heroes (Musical Play) - 2008
Volume 3 The King Is Here (Musical Play) - 2008
Volume 4 Deuteronomy - 2016
Volume 5 The King’s Highway - 2016
Volume 6 The Third Day (An Opera in 7 Acts) - 2017
Volume 7 The Inner Journey
“A Cantata of Prayers, Meditations and Exaltations to The God of All Creation” - 2018
Russian Hymal by Church of The Nazarene
3 songs also translated into Russian for inclusion in hymnal in Russia - 2010
Upcoming projects to be released:
1) More Digital Albums Coming - Conspiracy To Kill Jesus, the 2nd of 7 albums coming from the songbook Volume 6 The Third Day hopefully late 2024
2) Proverbs In Song Part 3 should be done later this year or early next year
3) Creation based on the early part of Genesis
4) Psalms - in the early stages of pencil scores (delayed while working on completion of other projects)
5) Very Early Stages:
Ballads of Exodus
6) Ezekiel and The New Temple
Put The Bible To Music Project:
Current List of Books of the Bible from which Published & Unpublished works have been written
Currently Will Goldstein has published music songbooks based on scripture and biblical themes from all of the New Testament.
Old Testament works:
Published: Most of Genesis, Isaiah, Deuteronomy, Daniel
various Old Testament scriptures based on Biblical themes from many of the remaining Old Testament books
In process:
Proverbs, Psalms
Estimate of the number of Christian based scripture songs & choral works written: probably 1500
Web History: 1st published www.thekingscourt.com in 2000 - 25 years online.